United Church of Christ
For those who aren't familiar with our denomination, the Congregational Church merged with the Evangelical & Reformed church in 1957 to create the United Church of Christ, a new denomination committed to staying relevant to the modern world and being welcoming to diverse traditions and ways of thinking. Because of this merger, our church is both a congregational church and part of the United Church of Christ. We believe that the only head of the church is Jesus Christ, and therefore each setting has the freedom and responsibility to follow where they feel God is calling them. We believe in working ecumenically, and that social justice is an important part of God's plan for us. One of our favorite UCC slogans is "Our faith is 2,000 years old. Our thinking is not." Indeed, we take our Christian identity seriously, while still listening for what new things God may be saying in the 21st century because God is indeed still speaking.
In the UCC, we also like to say that "no matter who you are, and no matter where you are on Life's journey, you are welcome here." We won't require you to believe all the same things as everyone else. And even if you're not sure what you believe, here at First Congregational UCC of Glencoe we embrace God's extravagant welcome and foster the warmth of fellowship, so that we can explore God's love together.