I’ve come to see the world through the lens of the Triune God, Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer. God, the Creator, brought everything into existence with an intention that we, as part of that creation, live in harmony and steward the world with care. God’s grace, mercy, and love are gifts that we are called to share with all of creation. Jesus Christ, the Redeemer, entered our world to bridge the gap between our flawed humanity and God’s perfect divinity. His life, death, and resurrection offer us a path to reconciliation and eternal life, demonstrating the depth of God’s love for us. The Holy Spirit, the Sustainer, is our ever-present guide, leading us ever-closer to living in right relationship with God and each other. This understanding forms the core of my faith and shapes everything I do in ministry, encouraging me to embrace the mystery and wonder of God’s ongoing work in the world.